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Rainbow Crosswalks & Halo Potato Donuts

I am trying to be way more intentional in 2020 when it comes to documenting my own family's activities. I may photograph dozens of families per year and promptly deliver their images, but I am the worst when it comes to my own! Can I share a secret? I have unedited images on my hard drive from 2018 that are yet to be developed & shared. These are images from my daughter's first few months of life, and they're completely buried on a device somewhere. The point is, when I look back at these formative years for my kids in 5, 10, or 20 years, I want them to be:

1. Easily searchable (for others- not just me)

2. Readily accessible (I know that "2" sounds a lot like "1", but "accessible" means that viewing them should take minimal effort- not having to search around on a hard drive!)

So my goal for this year is to take more personal photos, process them, & share them. A few weeks ago I was walking downtown and stumbled upon one of three rainbow painted crosswalks. I instantly fell in love and knew I had to incorporate one into some photos (other than my shoe selfie...), but knew it would be a challenge considering they're smack-dab in the middle of the road. I devised a plan: I would pick up some Halo Potato Donuts (as bribery for cooperation) & coerce my children into being my subjects. I knew this had to happen while holiday break was still in session in order to minimize traffic, and I believe the light sprinkle of rain helped a bit, too.

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